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The current exhibition at the Preston Gallery is temporarily closed for maintenance.

Books and Beyond: Special Collections for Kids

Selection of colourful learning resources - crayons, STEAMBOXES, books, activities.

From play-based activities to challenging hands-on resources, we invite members to take a broad approach to learning with children. Our Youth Services Librarian has developed several unique collections to foster literacy and learning.

EduKits and Books-to-Go bags are a busy grownup’s dream! Staff at each location maintain a rotating collection of bundled books on different themes and curriculum topics. Give us a day or two and we can even make a personalized bundle for you or submit a personalized picks request.

PlaySmarts kits are built around ten activities essential to thriving. Read, count, feel, move, sense, and more with suggested age ranges for each item. Inspired by Every Child Ready to Read and multiple intelligences theory. But, really, it’s just super fun! 

Read the Rainbow is a literacy program unique to Idea Exchange. Dozens of kits and hundreds of individual titles are classified at colour levels – from sight words and phonics at the Red and Orange levels to complete read-along novel experiences at Violet. Members are encouraged to self-assess and choose what colour best suits where they are. Just jump in and jump around – you'll love reading the rainbow together!

STEAMboxes address all three phases of learning: engagement, activation, and study. Each box is handcrafted by volunteers and staff, decorated to reflect the materials inside. Opening a new STEAMbox feels like unboxing a gift! Stay and explore one at your own pace or borrow select boxes for home and classroom use.

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1 North Square, Cambridge, ON N1S 2K6
Phone: 519-621-0460

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