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The library catalogue will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Sunday, February 23 from 5am to 10am.


Idea Exchange is transforming the way people experience their local library and gallery spaces, creating an environment of curiosity and discovery through the exploration of the arts and new technologies. To help us meet our vision, you can support: our innovative programs and services, reimagined community spaces, or our public art galleries and contemporary textile art collection.

Donate online using the form or scroll down to learn about other ways you can support Idea Exchange. For more information on making a donation please contact us.

Cambridge Public Library (Idea Exchange) is a registered Canadian charity. Our Canadian Registered Charity number is 10683 4377 RR 0001

Planned Giving

Remembering Idea Exchange by including a bequest in your Will is a way to provide financial support to library and gallery programs and to leave a lasting legacy. You can designate how your gift is spent, or it can go to the area of most need. Any gift amount is appreciated and makes a difference. Because of you, libraries and galleries transform lives.

You may wish to support Idea Exchange with a gift of cash, gift of life insurance, or gift of assets (stocks, bonds or registered retirement funds). Your estate will receive a charitable donation receipt.

A bequest to Idea Exchange is simple to set up. Speak to your lawyer about naming Idea Exchange in your Will or adding a codicil to your existing Will. For more details on how to set up a bequest, please contact us.

Book, movie, music, and video game donations

Idea Exchange accepts donations of books in good condition, published in the last five years. We are also pleased to consider adding donated video games, vinyl records, CDs, and DVDs to our collection. Donated items not added to the collection are sold in the library's book sale or recycled. No charitable tax receipt is issued for these items.

Idea Exchange does not accept donations of magazines, newspapers, textbooks, or other technical, medical, or law books.

Please limit donations to two (2) bags or boxes at any one time. For bulk donations or more information, contact the Idea Exchange location where you wish to donate the items.

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1 North Square, Cambridge, ON N1S 2K6
Phone: 519-621-0460

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