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Exam Proctoring

pencil and exam paper

Exam Proctoring Services

Idea Exchange supports lifelong learning and is happy to help you meet your educational goals by providing free exam proctoring services. Please review our guidelines below and ensure your educational institution is supportive of Idea Exchange's approach.

Exam Proctoring Guidelines

  • Available only at the Queen’s Square location during open hours, except on Sundays. We are unable to accommodate exams for longer than three hours.
  • Proctoring services are subject to library staff and space availability up to a maximum of one student exam per day.
  • Exams can begin 15 minutes after opening hours and must be completed 15 minutes before closing.
  • Idea Exchange is not able to guarantee a distraction-free setting.
  • Idea Exchange is not liable for any missing items, papers, samples, or other documents related to the exam.

Idea Exchange Responsibilities

  • Receive, secure, and administer the exam.
  • Return completed exams in a timely manner; however, Idea Exchange is not responsible for completed exams that do not reach the educational institution by the deadline date.
  • Staff members will periodically check on students during the exam, but we cannot provide one-on-one supervision for the entirety of any exam.

Student Responsibilities

  • Valid photo ID must be shown at the start of the exam.
  • Students must arrive 10 minutes prior to writing an exam to complete any pre-exam procedures or paperwork. Scheduled exam times will NOT be extended past the allotted exam time due to late arrival of student.
  • Students are responsible for providing a self-addressed, postage-paid return envelope if it is not provided by their educational institution. Any other costs for copying, postage, or invigilation must be borne by the writer of the exam. 

Online Exams

  • Students must provide their own laptops as per institution approval. It is the responsibility of the student to install the proper software on their computer prior to writing the exam.
  • Library computers may be available upon request. Students cannot install software on Idea Exchange computers.
  • Idea Exchange staff cannot offer any technical support for issues arising with online exams.
  • Idea Exchange is not responsible for unforeseen interruptions of the test due to loss of power, internet service, or other computer problems.


Exam Proctoring Request Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Please complete this form to request exam proctoring. Requests must be submitted a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the exam date. Once submitted, please allow 2-3 business days for a response.

Please note, proctoring services are only offered at our Queen’s Square location during regular opening hours. Proctoring is not available on Sunday.

Is the exam written or online?
If you selected online, will you be bringing your own laptop?

Additional Requirements

By submitting this application, I confirm that I have reviewed and accepted the conditions of Idea Exchange’s Exam Proctoring Services.

I assume all responsibility for ensuring that the policies and guidelines required by my school are met when taking an exam at Idea Exchange. 

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1 North Square, Cambridge, ON N1S 2K6
Phone: 519-621-0460

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