José Luis Torres, Méandres, 2021. Image courtesy of artist.

José Luis Torres: Dérives

December 9, 2023 - March 17, 2024
Preston Gallery

Curated by Alix Voz


Aware that movement is self-constructed, I am attentive to the forks in our paths and direction changes that shape our contemporary way of life. The dialogue between the elements making up my installations, as well as references borrowed from the definition of movement, creates a space of questioning about a reality in which displacement invokes both the fragility and the adaptability of the human being.

‘Le lieu interprété comme objet et l’objet comme lieu’ (The place is interpreted as an object and the object as a place.) 
- José Luis Torres 

At the intersection of art and architecture, or rather a product of their synergy, Dérives manifests as a space of freedom paving the way for limitless possibilities.

This project materializes as an immersive and organically designed architectural ensemble, beckoning visitors to explore its depths and take ownership of the space itself. In the form of a nomadic game, handcrafted wooden structures adorned with vibrant hues are open to exploration and the pleasures of experiencing them as one sees fit.

The interventions in Dérives immediately confront the visitor with diverse modes of movement within the space. Whether it's the act of movement itself, subtle or ambitious, driven by nature's influence or human-induced, the environment remains in a perpetual state of transformation.

Dérives stands as an extensive experiment and, above all, an enriching "experiential" project. The final result is a sculptural system that invites contemplation of the surrounding space and opens doors to an array of potential horizons. Its purpose is to encourage visitors to cultivate a broader understanding of the environment that envelopes them.

The artist would like to acknowledge the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Quebec for their generous support. 


Conscient que le mouvement est aussi une construction de soi, je suis attentif aux bifurcations et aux changements de direction qui façonnent notre mode de vie contemporain. La correspondance entre les éléments qui composent mes installations autant que les références empruntées à la définition de la mouvance créent des espaces d’interrogations sur une réalité dans laquelle le déplacement appelle la fragilité ainsi que la capacité d’adaptation de l’être humain. 

« Le lieu interprété comme objet et l’objet comme lieu ».
 - José Luis Torres

À l'intersection entre l'art et l'architecture, ou plutôt produit de leur synergie, Dérives se manifeste comme un espace de liberté où tous les échanges sont possibles.

Le projet se présente comme un ensemble sculptural organique et immersif en quête d’exploration, jouant avec le rapport d’échelle en fonction de l’appropriation qu’en fait le visiteur. Sous la forme d’un jeu nomade, des constructions en bois peint invitent à les explorer, à se les approprier et à s’en réjouir comme bon nous semble.

L'ensemble des interventions situe d’emblée le visiteur face aux modes de déplacement dans l’espace, le déplacement lui-même, mais aussi les modifications infimes ou ambitieuses, naturelles ou humaines, qui font que tout milieu est en perpétuel mouvement.

Dérives est un vaste projet expérimental et, surtout, « expérientiel ». Le résultat final est un dispositif sculptural qui invite à la contemplation de l'espace environnant et qui suggère différents horizons possibles afin d’encourager le visiteur à développer une réflexion plus large de l’environnement qui l’entoure.

L'artiste tient à reconnaître le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec pour son généreux soutien.

José Luis Torres was born in Argentina and has a Bachelor's Degree in visual arts, a Master's Degree in sculpture and training in architecture and integrating art with architecture. He has been living and working in Quebec since 2003. His work has been showcased in many solo and group exhibitions, in public interventions and artist residencies in Canada, Argentina, the United States, Mexico and Europe.

  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
    José Luis Torres, Dérives installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.
  • José Luis Torres, Dérives  installation view at Cambridge Art Galleries, Preston, 2024. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.

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