Karen A. Thiessen
The Journey Series: Forgiveness #6
The Journey Series: Forgiveness #6 maps the memories of violence with its burnt and battered surface and its jagged, fraying edges. Stains, frayed edges and disintegrating cloth are the traumatized memories of those incidents which require forgiveness- memories of racism, rape, war, discrimination, adultery, murder and ultimate betrayal. Red is remembrance. Red is anger, hate, violence and bloodshed, but it is also courage, strength, boldness and vitality, thus red in this quilt represents the duality of good and evil in all our lives. Lest we forget.
Medium: cotton, natural dyes, rayon, threads
124.5 x 98 cm
Donor/funder gift credit
Acquired with the assistance of the 2001 Starry Starry Night Committee