Linda Pinhay
New Orleans (Blanche's Trip)
It’s about hiding from the light, bathing in soft colours, running from reality, paper moons, cardboard skies. Moving within a swirling variety, a cacophony of many melodies and ‘ coloured lights’ viewed with strangers. It’s the failure of a woman to be who society expects her to be. It’s failure and fear and rejection and loneliness and descent and desire and dancing on the edge of the abyss. It’s depending on the ‘kindness of strangers’ and knowing that with that dependence all dignity is gone. Blanches Trip is the final surrender of what little dignity she had left.
Medium: fake velvet, ink
186 x 127 cm.
Donor/funder gift credit
Acquired with the assistance of the Starry Starry Night Committee, 1997 and the Walter and Duncan Gordon Charitable Foundation