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Thin Skin- Thorns

Arlene Turkington

Thin Skin- Thorns

Gloves provide us with a thin barrier between our skin and the skin of others.  The barrier in this case is a thin, cured, stitched animal skin.  Turkington choose to disturb the functionality of these gloves by puncturing, burning and shrinking them.  She then adorned them with plant spikes, thorns and nettles.  They can still cover our human skin but contact with others has been severely reduced. Stressed and disembodied they strive to escape their condition, reaching out to the viewer for rescue. Tortured beyond use they have crossed over into another realm, beyond utility.

Medium: leather, mixed media, plastic
56 x 18 x 10 cm
Donor/funder gift credit
Gift of the artist, 2004
  • Arlene Turkington, Thin Skin - Thorns, 2003. Photo: Scott Lee
    Arlene Turkington, Thin Skin - Thorns, 2003. Photo: Scott Lee
  • Arlene Turkington, Thin Skin -Thorns, Spikes, Nettles, 2003. Photo: Scott Lee
    Arlene Turkington, Thin Skin -Thorns, Spikes, Nettles, 2003. Photo: Scott Lee
  • Arlene Turkington, Thin Skin - Thorns, 2003. Photo: Scott Lee
  • Arlene Turkington, Thin Skin -Thorns, Spikes, Nettles, 2003. Photo: Scott Lee

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Phone: 519-621-0460

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