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The library catalogue will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Sunday, February 23 from 5am to 10am.
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Until further notice, the main doors at the Old Post Office are unavailable. Alternate doors are available. 

Code of Conduct


Everyone is welcome at Idea Exchange libraries and Cambridge Art Galleries.  We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment. Our members will be treated courteously and respectfully by staff and are expected to treat staff and other members of the public in the same manner.  Idea Exchange has established this Code of Conduct for the comfort and safety of members and staff, as well as for the protection of property and equipment. The expectations of members using our facilities will be applied fairly and consistently by staff to ensure a welcoming, shared experience for everyone.


While visiting Idea Exchange locations everyone is expected to:

  • Attend to and supervise children under 10 and vulnerable persons in their care.
  • Attend to personal belongings. Idea Exchange is not responsible for theft or damage to personal items left unattended.
  • Dress appropriately for a public space, including wearing tops, bottoms and footwear.
  • Consume food and drink in a responsible way. Avoid excessive food odours and clear away all waste material in the provided trash receptacles. No food or beverages are allowed in the art galleries.
  • Use library furniture, equipment, facilities and designated spaces properly and only for the usual and intended purposes.
  • Use washrooms only for their intended purposes.
  • Open all bags for inspection if requested by staff or security. Such examination shall be for the sole purpose of determining ownership and ascertaining that library material has been properly discharged.
  • Leave the building promptly at closing and as requested during emergency situations.
  • Report disruptive behaviour to staff immediately.
  • Follow all library policies and procedures as posted in print and/or online.

Examples of behaviour that is NOT permitted include:

  • Interfering with another’s use and enjoyment of the facility or interfering with staff while performing their work.
  • Threatening, abusive, discriminatory, harassing or offensive language, behaviour or actions.
  • Being under the influence of, selling, using or possessing alcohol, cannabis, or illegal substances. Paraphernalia and containers implicit in the use of drugs and alcohol on the premises are also prohibited.
  • Damage, misuse or theft of materials, equipment or property.
  • Vandalism or graffiti.
  • Using cell phones or other electronic devices in a manner which disturbs others use of the Library.
  • Photographing or filming without prior approval from a senior staff member.
  • Petitioning, posting of flyers, soliciting or engaging in commercial activity unless authorized by a manager.
  • Smoking or vaping on Idea Exchange property.
  • Bringing animals in the facility unless needed to assist a person with a disability or in authorized programs.
  • Soliciting and panhandling.
  • Possession of weapons or implements which can be used as weapons.
  • Trespassing while under an active Trespass Notice.

Consequences of violating the Code of Conduct:

Idea Exchange staff will endeavor to ensure that the Code of Conduct is followed and will make every effort to apply these policies in a fair, consistent and positive way for the benefit of all. Staff will advise members of appropriate conduct, as required, and state consequences for not following policies.

Anyone who fails to comply with Idea Exchange’s Code of Conduct may have their library and gallery privileges suspended and be issued a Trespass Notice, be required to pay for losses or damages or face prosecution and/or sanctions as per the Criminal Code of Canada, The Human Rights Code, the Public Libraries Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Trespass to Property Act, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, the Child and Family Services Act and the Public Works Protection Act.

Adopted: June 28, 2017 Board Motion 17.47

Amended: April 27, 2022, Board Motion 22.27

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1 North Square, Cambridge, ON N1S 2K6
Phone: 519-621-0460

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