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The library catalogue will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Sunday, February 23 from 5am to 10am.
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Until further notice, the main doors at the Old Post Office are unavailable. Alternate doors are available. 

Cambridge Library Account Policy

When you get an Idea Exchange membership, you agree to the following conditions:

  1. Your membership card can be used at all Cambridge Library locations and must be presented each time materials are borrowed.
  2. Only the person named on the card can use the card.
  3. You are responsible for material borrowed on your card until its loss or theft is reported.
  4. You agree to return all items borrowed on your card and pay replacement costs for lost or damaged materials.
  5. Parents or Guardians are responsible for the selection, return and payment of replacement costs for lost or damaged materials borrowed by their children.
  6. Report loss of card, change of address or name to Idea Exchange.
  7. A replacement fee will be charged for lost or damaged cards.

Collection of information on the membership application form is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Personal Privacy Act. Use of this information will be limited to library and gallery related activities and may include the retrieval of library materials, fundraising and the delivery of program information.

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1 North Square, Cambridge, ON N1S 2K6
Phone: 519-621-0460

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