Filming and Photography Policy


Cambridge Public Library (CPL) is committed to providing a welcoming, safe and positive environment for everyone. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for the use of still photography and filming (including audio recordings) in and on CPL premises.


This policy applies to all CPL members, staff, volunteers and visitors.

General Guidelines

As a public space, photography and filming is permitted in Cambridge Public Library facilities and at CPL events provided:

  • Members and staff are not disrupted, including but not limited to privacy and personal space.
  • Access or use of facilities or spaces is not restricted, and library property/materials are not damaged.
  • Activity does not pose a risk to public or staff safety or security, or harm the library’s image and reputation.
  • Activity aligns with library policies, for example, but not limited to, the Code of Conduct.
  • Activity complies with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Staff may exercise discretion in addressing photography-related concerns. Members are expected to comply with staff requests related to photography or filming and its impact on the library and gallery environment and its members.

Filming and Photography also includes livestreams and social media publication; additional guidelines are provided in our social media policy.

Personal Use

Members of the public can take photographs and video on Cambridge Public Library premises so long as the following guidelines are adhered to:

Respect for Privacy

Members are expected to respect the privacy and personal space of others when taking photographs or videos in our locations. Capturing images of other members of the public without their consent is not permitted. Photos, videos, and all other media recordings are not permitted in areas where members of the public and staff have a higher expectation of privacy (e.g., washrooms). All third parties (commercial, news media, or other) taking photos, videos, and/or audio recordings, and/or livestreaming should obtain the consent of all individuals who may be captured in the content before doing so and advise the individuals of the proposed use of the content. CPL is not responsible for recordings or livestreams made by members within CPL facilities, programs, or events including any use of the member recordings or livestreams.

Respect for Safety and Property

Photography and filming on CPL property are permitted as long as members take a safety-first approach in filming and photography practices and ensure there is no damage to library property and materials.

  • Photo and video activity must not block building entrances, passages, and stairways.
  • CPL spaces and walkways must not be monopolized or blocked for any length of time.
  • Unauthorized photos of staff workspaces are not permitted.

Equipment Use

Personal use of photography or video cannot affect or impede the public use of the building (interior or exterior). Users should use personal photography or filming equipment responsibly.

  • Tripods and additional lighting equipment are not permitted without prior approval from staff.
  • The use of drones or other equipment that may disturb others is not permitted on CPL premises.
  • Flash photography or reflectors are not permitted within the CPL premises to avoid disturbing others who may be studying or reading. Use available natural or ambient light when taking photographs.

Quiet Areas

Photography and filming are prohibited in designated quiet study areas, group study rooms, and other areas where quiet is encouraged. Members should be mindful of noise disruptions caused by camera sounds.

Artwork in the Cambridge Art Galleries

Original artworks may be protected by copyright. Photographs of any artwork in library and gallery spaces cannot be published, sold, reproduced or otherwise commercially exploited. CPL, including Cambridge Art Galleries, is not responsible for any photography that infringe upon third party copyrights or other rights.

News Media Requests

News media and public affairs coverage of library events, activities, and personalities is permitted. 

Media staff are expected to coordinate with the Marketing and Communications Specialist prior to their appearance. If notification cannot be provided in advance, the reporter and cameraperson should identify themselves and their intent to film or photograph to staff at the location. Staff will inform management and the Marketing and Communications Specialist about the presence of news media.  

Frontline staff are not permitted to provide comments or interviews to news media unless otherwise previously approved to do so. Both casual and professional news media must secure their own permission and releases of members of the public as required.

Making a Media Request

Media can make requests to provide comments, interviews, or film on premises by contacting CPL’s Marketing and Promotions team by:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 519-621-0460; staff will direct your call to CPL’s Marketing and Communications Specialist or designate

Third Party or Commercial Use

Commercial filming and photography are not permitted without prior approval from management.

Third Party or Commercial requests include, but are not limited to:

  • Wedding and engagement photography.
  • Professional portraits.
  • Documentaries, feature films, and other television broadcasts.
    • Some film projects require a film permit which take a minimum of 20 days’ notice to be issued. The Library is not responsible for facilitating or performing such activities.
  • Student projects (secondary and post-secondary) or photography and video for educational use.

Requests will be reviewed individually and should be submitted at least 15 working days in advance via email through the CPL website. Third Party or Commercial Use requests are subject to all applicable CPL policies as well as any applicable City of Cambridge by-laws and Regional Film By-law. Exclusive use of library spaces or access outside of operating hours may be granted by the CEO, and may be subject to fees not otherwise stated.

Other Special Events

Members must seek permission from staff before taking photographs during events, presentations, or programs hosted by CPL. This includes both casual and professional photography and includes news media that must secure their own permission and releases as required.

Library staff or volunteers may occasionally take photos, videos, or other media recordings during library events, presentations, or programs hosted by Cambridge Public Library for use in CPL communication materials. When this occurs, staff or volunteers will identify themselves as such and obtain a signed photo release consent form from members of the public who will be clearly identifiable in the media capture. Permission from a parent or legal guardian will be obtained when children are featured. The photo release consent form will not be required in photos, videos, or other media recordings where individual members are not clearly identifiable, such as large crowds at library events.


Cambridge Public Library reserves the right to refuse any request for photography and filming on library and gallery premises.

If staff receive complaints about visual capture occurring on-site without express prior permission from CPL, the person(s) may be asked to leave.

Violations of this policy may result in a request to cease photography, expulsion from the building, or other appropriate actions as determined by library staff, including reporting criminal activity to the appropriate authorities. Repeat offenses may result in the loss of CPL privileges.

This policy is subject to change, and members are encouraged to check for updates regularly. Any exceptions or requests for special circumstances should be directed to library management for consideration and approval.

By entering CPL premises, all visitors acknowledge their understanding and agreement to abide by this policy.

CPL is not responsible for photos or videos produced by personal or commercial use and is not liable for any injury or damages resulting from photo and video activity.

Related Documents

Social Media Policy
Code of Conduct
Political Participation and Election-related Activities Policy
Regional Film By-law
Canadian Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42)
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56

Adopted: October 2024; Board Motion 24.49

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