

The Cambridge Public Library Board acknowledges sponsorships may further enhance existing programs and services at CPL. Cambridge Public Library (CPL) holds itself to a high standard of ethical conduct, among its own Board and Staff, and in all of its external relationships and interactions.

The Board also recognizes its duties outlined within the Ontario Public Libraries Act to maintain non-partisan standing and uphold its reputation as a trusted public organization. This policy outlines the conditions under which a sponsorship may be approved.


Sponsorship: a mutually beneficial exchange between the Library and an external organization (hereinafter the sponsor) whereby the sponsor contributes funds, products or in-kind services to the Library in return for recognition, acknowledgement or other promotional considerations.

Sponsorship Exposure: defined as the total value of all current and proposed sponsorship agreements attributed to a single sponsor.

Recognition: an acknowledgement and expression of thanks issued by CPL as outlined within this Policy or upon mutually agreeable terms.


The CEO is granted authority to act or direct staff to explore or enter into a sponsorship agreement under the following conditions:

  1. CPL will protect its integrity and autonomy and uphold intellectual freedom and freedom of expression, and not engage in sponsorships when a condition of such agreement would compromise its fundamental principles or standing within the community.
  2. CPL may elect to decline any sponsorship.
  3. In accordance with this Policy, programs, solicitation plans and activities where the proposed sponsorship exposure limit is:
    1. valued at less than $75,000 is subject to approval or decline by the CEO who will advise the Board prior to any agreement being finalized;
    2. valued at greater than $75,000 is recommended for approval or decline by the CEO to the Board for approval.
  4. The Board reserves the right to determine the type of recognition for sponsors. Acceptance of any sponsorship which involves a naming proposal is conditional upon final approval of the naming by the Board. Furthermore, the Board retains its sole right and authority to determine facility names and in keeping with the City of Cambridge’s Naming Policy, will review potential facility naming with the City. While the Board may elect to recognize sponsorship of programs and services, facility naming is not available for sponsorship.
  5. The Library will not allow sponsor names and/or logos to have prominence over the CPL name and/or logo in any publicity, promotion or other uses as defined in the agreement.
  6. The sponsor must be a bona fide commercial organization, preferably with links in the community. If an CPL member or an organization controlled by an CPL member intends to enter into a Sponsorship agreement, it must do so under terms that are equal to or less favourable than those of comparable sponsorship agreements with non-members.
  7. The Board will take into consideration the anticipated community impact of the sponsorship, particularly when the sponsor’s products or public image may be deemed sensitive or incongruent with the values or sensibilities of the Library or community. The establishment of exposure limits will allow the board to document, manage and control any reputational risk associated with sponsorship relationships.
  8. The sponsorship must not imply endorsement of the company or its products and services and should prohibit sponsors from making statements which suggest a sponsor’s products and services are endorsed by CPL. The sponsorship must not result in or be perceived as giving any preferential treatment outside the sponsorship agreement.
  9. Sponsorships will not be accepted from any sponsor that in any manner portray, promote or condone stereotyping of any group or discrimination as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  10. The sponsorship agreement will be in the form of a letter (for sponsorships under $25,000 that do not include any naming rights) or a contract (for those over $25,000 and/or those involving naming rights). The sponsor must agree to acknowledge the mission and values of CPL, and have no conflict of interest. The sponsorship agreement will include the following:
    1. The sponsor must acknowledge that Library policy, planning, collections and presentations rest solely with the Board;
    2. What the sponsor is contributing and what the value of the contribution represents;
    3. The obligations of both the sponsor and the Library Board;
    4. The dispositions and ownership of any assets resulting from the sponsorship;
    5. Responsibility for the maintenance, insurance and taxes of all assets associated with or resulting from the sponsorship;
    6. The duration of the sponsorship; generally, no sponsorship will be entered into for a period longer than 10 years;
    7. The licensing and use of the Library’s and the sponsor’s name, trade and service marks and other intellectual property, and any payment for such licensing and use;
    8. The sponsor acknowledges they are not entitled to an official receipt for any payments made in connection with the sponsorship agreement;
    9. Where a sponsorship agreement limits the Library’s ability to enter into other sponsorships, the parameters of such an agreement shall clearly define nature and extent of the exclusivity and the period over which the exclusivity is to be granted; and
    10. A cancellation provision and the remedies available to both parties upon cancellation.
  11. Official donation receipts for income tax purposes are not issued for sponsorships, purchases, or other transactions listed in the Canada Revenue Agency’s Bulletin IT-110R3. These transactions may be acknowledged through issue of a record of sponsorship.
  12. CPL is committed to protecting the privacy of sponsors and shall maintain sponsor records, the contents of which shall remain confidential unless the sponsor agrees otherwise.
  13. This policy does not apply to:
    • Philanthropic donations
    • Grants or funds obtained from various levels of government
    • The library’s participation, contribution or partnership with external projects or organizations.

Last Reviewed: November 2023, Board Motion: 23.74

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